Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay Topics Based on Life Experiences

Essay Topics Based on Life ExperiencesAre you struggling to get an idea across to your audience in your essay? Maybe you are about to write a thesis and you are looking for ideas to work from to help you create the perfect thesis.With a little bit of research you can easily find ideas that are based on your own personal experiences and make them fit into the main theme of your essay. After all, it is easier to have someone write the thesis then to have the thesis itself written by someone else.If you are a history buff or are a child of the 70's you may want to use life experiences to build your thesis. The history has been covered by others before and will be covered again by others as well. One reason that people write their thesis is because they have an experience that informs their writing and other experiences they have influenced their thinking.Life experiences can be personal, educational, cultural, psychological, or spiritual. There are hundreds of examples and so many ways to relate them to different types of subject matters in your essay. Your imagination is the limit.The main point in your essay is your thesis statement. The other major sections in the essay are the body, which are the rest of the essay, and the conclusion. If you need help with the body and the conclusion I recommend looking at the tips provided below.The Body - This is the part of the essay that will tell the reader what the topic is and why you are writing it. The body needs to be related to the main theme of the essay. For example, if you want to talk about yourself and why you were so happy growing up then the main theme of your essay needs to center around how your experiences, such as school, friends, music, sports, hobbies, etc. shaped who you are now.The themes of your essay need to be used to link the body with the thesis. This way the entire essay will flow well together.The Conclusion - This part of the essay will tell the reader what your thesis statement is. It can be a short sentence that tells the reader what the end of the essay is. The goal is to show the reader what you found about your topic by linking back to the thesis statement at the end of the essay. So the conclusion needs to tell the reader why the thesis is the best answer to the question asked.

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