Saturday, November 2, 2019

Developmental Issues Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developmental Issues - Coursework Example 5. There must be a strong emotional attachment between parents and children, since this drives children to take an interest in the world around them , (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 58). 6. The attitudes towards child rearing is gendered, and often when the father is not spending enough time at home with the children or giving the required resources to manage the family, a stressful home environment is created which affects the proper development of children, (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 62). It involves responsive adult-child interaction, a curriculum that is geared towards the development of children, proper assessment that allows caregivers to develop curriculums and gauge childs performance and show it to their parents, involment of parents in their chidlrens learning, caregivers with knowledge about childhood development, and small groups with higher adult to children ratio, (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 63). Children may develop characteristics that are harmful of their development if not their parents jobs do not give much time for them to pay attention to their children. Over demanding jobs, job insecurity, unsupportive co-workers, long hours etc create stress in working parents , (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 73). They are grandparents, (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 75). Grandfathers can act as father figures for children, grandparents and grandchildren are often free of emotional conflict with each other (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 77). Grandparents can look after the children of full time employed parents, grandparents have stabilizing effect on emotional lives of children (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 75). The dignity and interests of all family members must be respected, parents child rearing values must be

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