Thursday, October 31, 2019

Justification Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Justification Report - Assignment Example From among the host of publications and journals reviewed, the following three are hereby recommended: Logistics Management The Logistics Management boasts of keeping â€Å"logistics and supply chain professionals up-to-date on the latest news and trends in transportation services, equipment and technologies† (EH Publishing Network, 2011). Its detailed subscription offer for new subscribers is detailed herein: Cover Price: $99.00; Sale Price: $0.00; Savings: 100% (12 issues free delivery within US and Canada). Diverse information ranging from top story, blogs, white papers, latest content, webcasts, with top indices provided monthly. As indicated under its subscription offer, â€Å"Logistics Management delivers news and resources for professionals managing the logistics and transportation operations for their companies. In these tough economic times, managing your transportation and distribution costs are more important than ever to help grow your company's bottom line. That' s why Logistics Management magazine is dedicated to delivering timely, insider information that you can use to better manage your entire logistics operation† (EH Publishing Network, 2011).

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