Friday, October 18, 2019

Internet and Social Networking Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Internet and Social Networking Privacy - Essay Example use privacy settings, social networks have agreed not to reveal any personal details with a third party unless the user provides consent, which authorizes the use of the information in question (Barras 1). On the other hand, the social network community have become private-sensitive to the extent of ensuring that they always use their privacy settings. In other cases, social sites ensure the utilization of private settings by providing default private settings for users (Hawkins 1). The social sites have also message alerts, which are sent to the user any time the private settings are changed to public settings (Hawkins 1). Teenage users should be cautious and choose the social networks, which have registered with independent privacy firms that guarantee the privacy of their personal details, and do not have any privacy flows. Social networking sites give priority to their users while overlooking on third parties. It is in this case that the social networking sites will strive to maintain the privacy of their users. Social sites will block any third party who wishes to access user’s private information. In essence, Teenage users should be cautious and choose the social networks, which have registered with independent privacy firms that guarantee the privacy of their personal information, and do not have any privacy

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