Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Video games Essay Example for Free

Video games Essay This is very useful as it tells the staff in GAME quickly and efficiently about the availability of software in the shop. It allows them to inform questioning customers. GENERAL SECURITY Â  CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) this device is used to monitor everything that is happening. They are based everywhere in the company, in every department. This device can pick out things like thieves who are stealing merchandise to finding out what caused a certain accidental incident in another part of the company. Â  Login Systems a login system is a security lock that allows only authorised people to access computers. A username would be asked for followed by a password confirmation. This is a simple method to keep out people from accessing files on computers that are important. These are on all the computers in the company. Â  Keypad- this device is used in GAME to restrict areas that are only allowed for people that are authorised personnel. The person would have to key in a password to gain access to the restricted area. All the departments have areas that are restricted. Â  Norton Anti-Virus this program scans the computers for viruses and removes them. This is very useful if you are connected to the internet a lot where a lot of viruses try to attack you. Â  Norton Internet Security this program gives you extra protection from internet abusers. This allows you to enforce parental control, intrusion detection, privacy control, ad blocking, AntiSpam and a personal firewall to keep out intruders. DEPARTMENT SPECIFICS This section is on the specific hardware, software and security used in each department. SALES DEPARTMENT This is the Hardware and Software used specifically in the Sales Department. Hardware Input. These are the input devices used only in the sales department. Barcode Reader The barcode reader in the EPOS system scans the barcode on the items and keeps track of what items are being taken out and being returned. This also lets the company know whether they are running out of any specific items. They can also in the future use the information they obtained from the EPOS system and evaluate whether they should stock up on more items or less. Â  Magnetic Strip Reader This device is like a barcode reader but it has some advantages. It can hold more information and it also has more security. In a barcode you could find out the code on the barcode because of the numerals under it, but in a magnetic stripe you have to pass it through its reader to obtain its code. In the GAME industry they accept credit cards that have a magnetic strip. They also let people register for a GAME card, which also has a magnetic strip. Hardware Output These are the output devices used only in the Sales department. Â  Receipt Printers These printers print out the item that was purchased and include other details such as the date it was purchased, etc. These receipts are extremely useful, as they will allow the customers to return goods that do not satisfy them or is faulty. A unique system of GAME allows the customer to return goods that do not agree with them as long as they still have their receipt. Software Application These are the application software only used in the Sales department. Â  MS Publisher this program allows the Sales department to create sophisticated marketing products. Products like posters, leaflets and other paper-based marketing goods. Â  MS Excel this program allows the sales department to produce a database on their customers. The reward card scheme allows GAME to keep a record of their customers and their history with GAME. GAME can use their database to find out what each customer has bought and returned. They can find out what each customer likes and dislikes. They can use this information to improve on what they need to do to make GAME a better service to the customers. Security These are ways security is handled only in the sales department. Â  Security Guards security guards are used in the sales department to guard retail shops from vandals, thieves and troublemakers. They are trained professionals that can handle all different situations. Â  Sensor Barrier this device is used in the sales department in the retail outlets. People have to go through it whenever they want to enter or leave the shop. If it rings then that means the culprit that caused it has an item that has not been bought but in fact is being stolen. It is very useful in cutting down shop robbery. Â  Finance Supervisor these are people who have been hired to watch over the people who are involved in the transactions of the money belonging to GAME. So if a worker is seen to be trying to steal some of the companys money, then the supervisor would report the culprit for arrest. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT This is the Hardware and Software used in the Purchasing Department. Hardware Input These are the input devices used only in the Purchasing department. Â  Barcode Reader The barcode reader in the purchasing department is used to key in all the items that are being bought in and out of the retailer. It helps it to determine how much of each product is in stock. Hardware Output. These are the output devices used only in the Purchasing department. Ordering Software this software is used to buy products from different manufacturers. Whenever the company is low on a product the ordering software would purchase more of that same product to restock. Security The purchasing department uses only the security stated in the general security section. FINANCE DEPARTMENT This is the Hardware and Software used in the Finance Department. Software Application These are the application software only used in the Sales department. Â  BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Syst.

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